Monday, June 2, 2008

Velveeta Rotel Chicken Commercial

De La Paz to Copacabana and Lago Titicaca: Bolivia Hasta luego ... (from May 21 to 30)

From again La Paz, we remain a long weekend, time to review, now is the tradition, François and Armelle, to meet other French travelers to stroll in city markets (and that's not missing, we sell everything and everywhere. ...) and discover on Sunday in La Paz on the Prado. It is a like platforms on Sunday in Paris, no cars and entertainment for children ... Well Anthony is more than happy and we also ...
La Paz, definitely a true blow of heart for the whole family.

the road again towards the very mythical Lake Titicaca . We make a detour to visit the ruins of Tiwanacu . These ruins of a pre-Inca civilization in the region of Lake Titicaca (which lasted much longer than the Inca civilization there ...) are very aptly named (in ruins), and are being renovated thanks to numerous archaeologists and workers, many more that visitors, who are themselves almost exclusively French ... (at least that day).
But the site is still interesting with the famous Gate of the Sun .

As often happens in Bolivia, the road to reach the Lake Titicaca on the altiplano, is beautiful and deserted. The move forced the motorhome by a ferry to spend a stretch of sea (lake) is rather amusing. The boat is local, very Bolivia, so at first glance not very reassuring level of security. There is barely room for the camper and a few passengers. The few eddies of the lake are bend and the boat pitching and Citroen ... premises surprised to see us play, obviously it's normal. We therefore concur
the small town of Copacabana only Bolivian beach, Chileans have taken by force to the Pacific access to these lucky few Bolivians in the 20th century.

After a small camp at the Lake, tasting its excellent trout and a small pedal boat ride to please Antony, towards the village of Yumapata which lies opposite the island of sun . This very nice fishing village offers the possibility of the cooperative to sailors to discover this island without going through a travel agency in Copacabana.
Here we are therefore on very charming, very beautiful, and very surprising Isla del Sol . According to legend the first Inca, Manco Capac , was born here with his wife at the foot of a cliff. It includes the veneration of the Incas to the landscape and respect for nature, seeing the sight of said rock, a sparkling lake from the burning sun, the Cordillera Real and peaks over 6000 meters in the background.
The northern island is magical ... with its sandy beaches and translucent water. Missing just 40 degrees at night and 20 at Lake to believe in Brazil (Copacabana?). In short we loved.

Back at camp, because here we go again to the western part of the lake, next to his Peruvian . We arrive at Pun o and decide to visit the famous floating islands , all islands of reeds ("totora"), Lake Titicaca. We were warned of the tourist side of the visit but not at this point ... Although interesting, the tour leaves a bitter taste ...

Here it is Bolivia is (already) finished. A month and a half went by very quickly and 3000 kilometers. To summarize arguably Bolivia is (very) nice but it is (very) high ...


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