Sunday, June 8, 2008

How To Get Cheats For Gpsphone On A Mac

Our First Steps in Peru: Arequipa and the Colca Canyon (from 31 May to 4 June)

Our first miles are Peru on the Altiplano along Lake Titicaca : we do not feel like leaving Bolivia ... the landscapes and people resemble
... Only the Peruvian police made us understand that the country has changed, 4 controls our first day and 2 attempted fines, for a customs document poorly written (by customs) and one for non- compliance with a signal off ... hope the rest of our stay will reduce the mean!

A long and beautiful road leads us to Arequipa, the second largest city, situated at 2700 meters. A bit like Sucre Bolivia in this city allows us to "breathe" a bit (because mine anything, it's been a while since we saw over 3500 meters ..) out of the thongs ( well almost) and T-Shirts ... Very nice town, another "White city" of South America to its beautiful Plaza de Armas, lined with colonial buildings (according to Alex " it will never be worth Sugar ...") . We

spend an afternoon visit to the beautiful Santa Catalina Monastery , real small town in the city, full of color, narrow streets, flowers everywhere, a very beautiful place. We resume the

road towards the Colca Canyon , the deepest canyon in the world (more than the Grand Canyon in the U.S.!). But this is not what really impressed us, but rather its terraces Incas, patchwork of color that form a beautiful set in the valley. It must be said that the state of the track does not put us in condition to enjoy the scenery their fair value. After 9 months of travel, the tracks it's still a bit tiring for everyone (including the Citroen!)
... But the very good thermal baths of Chivay us still remember the shock is still nice to be here!

And we start to reach Cuzco : we are so eager to be there (and especially to ask a few) that made the biggest day on the road since the beginning of our trip: 640 Kms track on the altiplano with start hallucinating at 4:30
... Thanks again for Magali's cartoons that we Antoine are a great help on these days!

And now a new factor comes into play for the organization of our days: the beginning of the euro, important appointment for Alex ...


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