Friday, June 20, 2008

Does Anyone Have A Sean Cody Account I Can Use

Cuzco, Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu .... (from June 6 to 17) from Cuzco

After nearly 10 months in South America ... Cuzco is, for us, the last major step in our journey before joining Ecuador. We elect

home for ten days at Quinta Lala camping, campsite well known European truck operators, in the hills of Cuzco. For the first time of travel we are entitled to a lawn, in normal times, it's more earth and dust. There are even chickens, ducks, a dog who becomes the best friend of Anthony and sometimes a herd of grazing llama coming here ... And there
and even those pesky Basques and Armelle Francis with whom we pass still good moments, surely the last sets (well, we hope to see you again for the 17th time since early in Ecuador!).
We leave Cuzco a week before the Inta Rami, the feast of Cuzco and the sun, the city is already very busy, we are witnessing daily parades colorful songs and dances ... a shame there not Attend and damage can not happen any more time with a large family of French fighters (3 children) as a camper arriving just, just a very nice little party ...

Cuzco is one of the most beautiful cities in South America. It was the largest city of the Inca empire, the "navel of the world " in Quechua (the language of the Incas, still spoken today), it has a beautiful Plaza de Armas, narrow streets paved , colonial buildings built on Inca foundations, a nice hill and its neighborhood San Blas by cons ... we sometimes forget that we are at over 3000 meters, the day he is easily 25 degrees in the sun but at night it freezes.

From Cuzco, we join the s Sacred Valley, the Valley of the Urubamba . We visit the impressive ruins of Pisac , Inca fortress perched atop a hill known for its magnificent terrace cultivation. Antoine has good idea to take a long nap and we comb to turn the citadel that protected the valley.

We reach then the beautiful Ollantaytambo also dominated by an imposing fortress, where the Inca Planning was well preserved despite the work of forgetting undertaken by the English. The Incas were masters in the art of stone cutting and the majority of the houses are still Inca foundations.

From here we take the train the next day to join Agua Calientes and Machu Pichu . The road does not actually further down the valley. To the delight of Perurail which sold out most of the year despite high prices, even if it is true that the site is not very accessible.
to arrive early and try to avoid as much as tourists, the alarm goes off at 4:30 (if) ... a little hard for Anthony, but he follows with a smile, the more tired they are finally mom and dad who were kind of struggling to keep pace with games in the middle of ... sleepy tourists

The Machu Picchu was already so having heard the name and photo, we always wondered before leaving if you do a v not be a little disappointed ...
Especially that part in the rain and it's been a long time we have not seen a raindrop, it must rain that day, (there I am a bit upset it's true). We arrive at 8 o'clock in the morning, so as strings of water and mist well with a present ... and our first glimpse of the temple is still a very striking,
Already the bus ride, which mark a trail that winds through the mountain, makes us understand the uniqueness of this site truly accessible. Inaccessible and really (really) beautiful. Photogenic and vertical. In addition
luck catching up with us, the sun suddenly appeared ... the play of light and clouds that come back and add to the magic of the place. The vision of this temple too mystical for that mythical Inca for tourists will remain a highlight of the trip. The site is in a beautiful natural landscape. Each side, cliffs, mountains peaks, the site is really down.

short, to late discovery (1911), the lack of knowledge that researchers have the temple and its true meaning for Incas, the reason for its abandonment and its incredible beauty, many reasons combine to make this site unique. We really liked.
Many travelers are disappointed and consider it too expensive and too touristy ... certainly a European tariff, but located in a very remote area and finally no more expensive than a concert ticket. And, rising a little earlier, we were rather surprised not to see more people.
And then we will not give lessons, between Versailles, Mont Saint Michel and the Eiffel Tower ... not a bad walkabout.


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