Monday, April 14, 2008

Yellow Secreations From Throat

De Salta ( Argentina) in San Pedro de Atacama (Chile) from April 6 to 10

is with a big pinch in my heart that we leave on April 10 this great country Argentina. We spent over 4 months and traveled 15000 km ... What a beautiful country! Beautiful and varied landscapes, glaciers in Patagonia Andean highlands to the north, people (very) friendly and (very) spontaneous, their (excellent) and meat (very) good wines, their Mate (local drink that is now adopted!), life cheap and bivouacs superb (the dream of "camping forklift drivers). Argentina will remain for us a real shot in the heart.

And our last few miles have been beautiful, perhaps the finest since the beginning of the journey ... From
Salta we went back north to join the Quebrada de Humahuaca , registered as World Heritage Humanity beautiful road that winds through mountains with stunning color and passes through the villages very pleasant ( Pumamarca , Tilcara and Humahuaca ) where culture and Indian traditions predominate. This road will also allow us to get used to the altitude a bit, to around 3,000 meters.

We reach the northern Chile and San Pedro de Atacama through the Paso de Jama , at 4200 meters. This is our first confrontation with the altitude and our first discovery of the landscapes of the Altiplano
... So with our thermos of hot water to mate and with a bag of coca leaves (chewed, local custom to better withstand the altitude) as we begin this road about 300 km. The road is really unbelievable, it feels like another planet ... employees (Salinas Grandes superb!), Lagoons, volcanoes, snowy ... We are taking another pass at 4800 meters, higher than Mont Blanc.

We support all well-altitude ... but the camper, which passes quietly these high mountain roads. Not that we doubted it but hey, 4800 meters is a bit higher than the Rousset pass, or we had our first test ... We'll
in southern South Lipez, Bolivia's n is only a short drive, it gives us a glimpse of what we see in more detail in a few weeks ...


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