Thursday, April 24, 2008

Gyms In Nyc - Student Memberships

San Pedro de Atacama and northern Chile from April 10 to 22

Our arrival in San Pedro de Atacama is superb: we leave the altiplano and its 4600 meters away on seeing the beautiful Laguna Verde South Lipez Bolivian and along the majestic Licancabur (almost 6000 meters), so we begin our great descent to the oasis of San Pedro de Atacama, lost in the desert of Atacama. This region is the main attraction of Northern Chile, so much that the city, although very pretty with its houses made of adobe (mud bricks and straw sun-baked) ... tourism is travel agencies and are very similar. This, again, that we enjoy our freedom, with our camper can indeed afford to dispense with these tour operators ...
We spend three days in the area of San Pedro. We begin our visit with a short trip to the Valle de la Luna late in the day, a magnificent sunset over the mountains and volcanoes that surround the site. Then we visit the Salar de Atacama , the largest of the Salar Chil i; Chaxa La Laguna, where hundreds of flamingos "dabbling" in the middle of the salt desert is beautiful.

Our fondest memory will still be our bivouac, alone in the world the edge of La Laguna Cejar in the middle of the desert ... This is the first time we bathe in salt water, and we will experience the strange sensation of floating on the water!

Hence, the direction extreme northern Chile, we begin a long journey of 800 km middle of nowhere ... The North of Chile (Pacific Ocean side) is completely deserted. Nice little break in the oasis Pica and Matilla , small towns lost in the desert where there is surprisingly very good tropical fruits ...

Another stop to visit the city " ghost " Humberstone, a city completely dead but kept in shape. At the beginning of the century, Chile operated petre, many cities have been built in the desert for their workers. The decline of its operations, competition from synthetic fertilizers, has led to the emergence of these numerous abandoned cities ...

arrived at Arica , the largest city in northern Chile (only 20 miles from Peru) we meet up with the sea We'll walk esque three days time to worry a bit for our gear box (thank you Hot Line & Besson Rabaix) and hit the road, the Ruta 11 , which goes from 0 to 150 km 4,500 meters. We stop often to get acclimatized to the altitude. We are determined to not catch the " soroche " Andean mountain sickness. Everything happens even if sometimes the nights are a little hard (and cool) ...

The Ruta 11 is the only paved road between Chile and Bolivia, was an important axis between the altiplano and the coast. The road is beautiful, it crosses a very pretty little villages, Poconchile , Socorama , Putre before entering the Laucci National Park, returning to the limelight super volcano Paranicota .

This time, we finally leave Chile, in total we have spent 1 ½ months in this country and drove nearly 6000 miles away ... we are Bolivia!


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