Monday, April 28, 2008

How To Get Rid Of The Blocked Nose Voice

Evidence from the Walloon Agency for Telecommunications

More than 2 years after an initial meeting, the AWT has solved the founders InternetVista, Cédric Braem and Christophe Darville, to take stock of developments in their product internetVista ®. This external monitoring service checks on a continuous and correct operation completely independent web sites and other Internet services (mail, file transfer, etc.). And warned their owners in case of malfunction.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Gyms In Nyc - Student Memberships

San Pedro de Atacama and northern Chile from April 10 to 22

Our arrival in San Pedro de Atacama is superb: we leave the altiplano and its 4600 meters away on seeing the beautiful Laguna Verde South Lipez Bolivian and along the majestic Licancabur (almost 6000 meters), so we begin our great descent to the oasis of San Pedro de Atacama, lost in the desert of Atacama. This region is the main attraction of Northern Chile, so much that the city, although very pretty with its houses made of adobe (mud bricks and straw sun-baked) ... tourism is travel agencies and are very similar. This, again, that we enjoy our freedom, with our camper can indeed afford to dispense with these tour operators ...
We spend three days in the area of San Pedro. We begin our visit with a short trip to the Valle de la Luna late in the day, a magnificent sunset over the mountains and volcanoes that surround the site. Then we visit the Salar de Atacama , the largest of the Salar Chil i; Chaxa La Laguna, where hundreds of flamingos "dabbling" in the middle of the salt desert is beautiful.

Our fondest memory will still be our bivouac, alone in the world the edge of La Laguna Cejar in the middle of the desert ... This is the first time we bathe in salt water, and we will experience the strange sensation of floating on the water!

Hence, the direction extreme northern Chile, we begin a long journey of 800 km middle of nowhere ... The North of Chile (Pacific Ocean side) is completely deserted. Nice little break in the oasis Pica and Matilla , small towns lost in the desert where there is surprisingly very good tropical fruits ...

Another stop to visit the city " ghost " Humberstone, a city completely dead but kept in shape. At the beginning of the century, Chile operated petre, many cities have been built in the desert for their workers. The decline of its operations, competition from synthetic fertilizers, has led to the emergence of these numerous abandoned cities ...

arrived at Arica , the largest city in northern Chile (only 20 miles from Peru) we meet up with the sea We'll walk esque three days time to worry a bit for our gear box (thank you Hot Line & Besson Rabaix) and hit the road, the Ruta 11 , which goes from 0 to 150 km 4,500 meters. We stop often to get acclimatized to the altitude. We are determined to not catch the " soroche " Andean mountain sickness. Everything happens even if sometimes the nights are a little hard (and cool) ...

The Ruta 11 is the only paved road between Chile and Bolivia, was an important axis between the altiplano and the coast. The road is beautiful, it crosses a very pretty little villages, Poconchile , Socorama , Putre before entering the Laucci National Park, returning to the limelight super volcano Paranicota .

This time, we finally leave Chile, in total we have spent 1 ½ months in this country and drove nearly 6000 miles away ... we are Bolivia!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Yellow Secreations From Throat

De Salta ( Argentina) in San Pedro de Atacama (Chile) from April 6 to 10

is with a big pinch in my heart that we leave on April 10 this great country Argentina. We spent over 4 months and traveled 15000 km ... What a beautiful country! Beautiful and varied landscapes, glaciers in Patagonia Andean highlands to the north, people (very) friendly and (very) spontaneous, their (excellent) and meat (very) good wines, their Mate (local drink that is now adopted!), life cheap and bivouacs superb (the dream of "camping forklift drivers). Argentina will remain for us a real shot in the heart.

And our last few miles have been beautiful, perhaps the finest since the beginning of the journey ... From
Salta we went back north to join the Quebrada de Humahuaca , registered as World Heritage Humanity beautiful road that winds through mountains with stunning color and passes through the villages very pleasant ( Pumamarca , Tilcara and Humahuaca ) where culture and Indian traditions predominate. This road will also allow us to get used to the altitude a bit, to around 3,000 meters.

We reach the northern Chile and San Pedro de Atacama through the Paso de Jama , at 4200 meters. This is our first confrontation with the altitude and our first discovery of the landscapes of the Altiplano
... So with our thermos of hot water to mate and with a bag of coca leaves (chewed, local custom to better withstand the altitude) as we begin this road about 300 km. The road is really unbelievable, it feels like another planet ... employees (Salinas Grandes superb!), Lagoons, volcanoes, snowy ... We are taking another pass at 4800 meters, higher than Mont Blanc.

We support all well-altitude ... but the camper, which passes quietly these high mountain roads. Not that we doubted it but hey, 4800 meters is a bit higher than the Rousset pass, or we had our first test ... We'll
in southern South Lipez, Bolivia's n is only a short drive, it gives us a glimpse of what we see in more detail in a few weeks ...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

What Can I Do About Burning In My Throat?

From Mendoza to Salta: Northwestern Argentina from March 18 to April 5

After more than expected extended our stay in Chacras Coria, and we are spruced in great shape with a camper like new (well ... almost) ready to head back to the Northwest Argentine , the last region of this vast country that we visited. The
northwest Argentina is very different from the rest of the country with its fascinating landscapes and culture of India. It is closer to Bolivia than in Buenos Aires at any point of view. From Mendoza to Salta for three weeks we have seen a lot of different things from each other. ..

A 200 km north of Mendoza, is the Sanctuary of La Difunta Correa. Although not recognized by the Vatican is a bit the "Lourdes of South America. Correa went in search of her lover with her baby in her arms a few days later they found her dead, but his baby still suckling at her breast ... Since, people come to ask for, healing, but also protection. So this is a sacred place for all South American truckers, who make thousands of their license plate. The result is very surprising. To join the

Park "Ischigualasto" best known as the "Valle de la Luna" (a little easier to pronounce ...), we pass under the sweltering heat and a long beautiful road called "Valley Fertile with its giant cacti. In this beautiful park, a golf s 40 km allows us to travel a valley desert rock formations and colors really incredible. The nearby park, the canyon Talampaya is equally spectacular, with its landscape of red earth ...

We then pause "forced" to Villa Union, a small village because of heavy rain the night off all roads around. And here, once again by chance we find Armelle and Francis, as we caught these decidedly Basque ... then ...! Hesitant at first, but following their advice, then we take the Cuesta de Miranda , a beautiful mountain trail where we face for the first time at river crossings not necessarily engaging ... it will be just the beginning ...

We follow again the Ruta 40, sacred road that begins in Rio Gallegos in the extreme south of Argentina and ending almost in Bolivia, and crossed desert landscapes and friendly small town nestled at the foot of the Andes ... Chilecito, London (where we visit one of the few Inca sites Argentine), Belen, Santa Maria del Valle Amaicha (city the sun shines 360 days a year!) ... These villages look a little with their central place always very pleasant, although shady and worship at the "nap". Between 13h and 18 hours not a cat in the streets, everything is closed ... and these places become the preferred playground of Antony who can go in all directions with his little car. Before

Cafayate, we stop at the ruins of Quilmes . In a kind of natural amphitheater, the Indians built Calchaquies leu r city floor, from the valley into the hillside and amount. They were expelled by the Spaniards, despite strong resistance ... The site has really much, lost amid fields of cactus.
Cafayate another village nice lies along the Quebrada (canyon) of the same name valley to the red soil, vegetation and rare magnificent natural sculptures.
Cafayate is famous for its wines and wineries in the beautiful colonial style, always with the Andes in snow at the bottom ... Not knowing what winery visit, we thought of Mary and therefore chose to visit the Bodega Etchart recently acquired by Pernod Ricard ...! Huge property of 3000 hectares which produces excellent white wines.

Contact Salta, we take the first track (that again!) 150 km, through the "valleys Calchaquies . The names of Indians who lived there, was one of the main routes to Chile and the Andean Bolivia. Very nice track (who wins!), This route, which is actually a portion of the damn Ruta 40, takes us through pretty little villages where life is good ... Special mention for Molinos and Cachi .

Finally, the road from Cachi to Salta we reserved a scare ... after traveling 80 km of road (80 km or more turns), mounted a collar 3400 meters, the road is cut off abruptly, giving way to a river ...
We hesitate to turn back before the premises (by car) we explain how to pass this portion, at first gently but well above the left .... and indeed the camper was quiet at first and many left, and its occupants relieved, took their way ....

Arriving in Salta , we spend quality time at the campsite where new s find again and Armelle Francis (probably not the last!) And another French couple renamed Jules and Jim (the name of their camper and their scooter). Antoine strenna his new bike in the huge empty pool of the campsite and find new friends ...

Salta is a very nice city with its magnificent colonial buildings up to , streets and bustling markets. Important final step before finally leaving Argentina (finally!)