Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Diagrama Estereo Ford

Graduation Promo 2008 ESTACA

Our beautiful
was lucky to surpombler our friends ESTACA graduates this year in Laval, Saturday, Dec. 6. Among them, Mr Alexander Quéméneur, former president of the Flying-West with whom we started this project we can now begin to see the result (We prepare the fabric, despite our many misadventures ...). See more photos:

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What Is Anti Adipose Tea

Meeting of Laval - September 7, 2008 (2) Laval

Differnce Between Min Hd And Ultra Hd?

Meeting - September 7, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Arcade Legends 1 Game Packs

Memories ...

thanks to "our" camper for allowing us to live such an adventure ...

Monday, August 11, 2008

Free Virtual Games Like Poptropica

The adventure continues! It

To follow the adventures of "our" camper who hit the road, you can go to the blog's new family motorhome ...

good trip for you!
You will ...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pocket Camcorder With Low Light

go again!

That's it, we arrived in France , our " parenthesis South American" is now complete ... But certainly, we will return one day ...

The journey was long, 3 planes, 24-hour journey, 138 kg of luggage (!) And here we are St. Hilaire to where we will spend a week with Alex's parents.

"Our" camper (it will always be OUR little camper!), Meanwhile, piles up again for a ride with a very nice family Caroline, Stephen Manon, Romane and Thomas . .. After five days spent together, here they are ready to hit the road. Alex, who is now 11 months into a real mechanic, knows is happy to explain to Steph the "basics" of the camper ...

Here, the Citroen has new owners, but he already is going to experience a bit since the path this family will leave the Ecuador for Peru, Bolivia the the Chile and Argentina ... And back to square one in January where he will take the boat to Buenos Aires !

As for us, he said goodbye to with great excitement, as Alex would say " he never gave us " after almost 40 000 kilometers of roads and trails in South America, and allowed us to live a wonderful adventure, filled full to see beautiful things and make a lot of pretty games.

short, it makes us want to repeat one day ...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What Is Your Cm Like Before You Period

Our last few miles in a motorhome ...

Our "some s" miles Ecuador do we have unfortunately not allowed to see much of the country ... So in a time more than covered that we leave Banos to travel north.

We borrow one of the "best" route to Ecuador (according to guidelines), we limit ourselves to imagine because of the fog ... Normally on this road, renamed the "road of the volcanoes," we would see the 10, only one will detach from the fog ...

We arrive at Zumbahua, market day, it's lively, colorful, and above all, authentic. And here we find great pleasure and Francis Armelle for lunch improvised. Appointment made on the following Saturday for the big market of Otavalo .

Zumbahua lies at the foot of Laguna Quilotoa : So we go up (as high as last time!) At 3800 meters to admire the turquoise lagoon nestled in the crater of a volcano. It's very pretty.

We spend our last nights in the motorhome in the parking lot of a school. Although it is school holidays here, there are tons of kids very curious about our way of locomotion ... We spend quality time with them, well, mostly Antoine which is full of friends!

We renounce to visit the Cotopaxi National Park (due to bad weather, the last time I eral!) And headed straight to Quito, the capital, where we have quite things to do ... the journey's end is approaching fast!

Grace Evelyn (thank you!), We were welcomed with great kindness by Burkhard, Claudia and their 2 little girls 10 months and 2 years. He is German, her Chilean and have a pleasant life of expatriates in the suburbs "quiet" from Quito at Cumbaya . We will stay three days and will leave with many of our problems resolved on the sale of our camper (and I leave with a new smile, Alex does treat me more vampire !!)... a big thank you to them! !

Now we are at D-7 of the arrival of new owners of the motorhome, a large French family of 3 children who take over. We therefore choose to spend a week at the hotel to empty, wash, repair, pampered (Alex's hard to imagine that soon it will no longer "SOUND" camper!). And there's job, it's crazy what you could cram in almost 11 months of travel ...

We sat next to Otavalo, north of Quito , the shores of Lago San Pablo ( we are now in the northern hemisphere after crossing " Ecuador "), the setting is very nice and time" almost "beautiful ... Too bad I can not too enjoy, I have been "contaminated" by the family of Burkhard and I am forced to spend almost two days on a drip! Decidedly the Ecuador, it does not succeed too ...

On Saturday, we are left with many emotions and Francis Armelle , there is really the last time we see in South America . Them, they continue their journey towards Mexico through Colombia and Central America ... Good road to you, Amigos! We walk together in the market of Otavalo " one of the finest South American " and buy our last memories ...

The motorhome refurbished and pampered like never before, we drive towards our final kilometers Quito where we found Carolina, Stéphane and their 3 children ...

Friday, July 11, 2008

Best Price For Rituxan

Arrival in Ecuador: Cuenca Banos through the Amazon from July 3 to 11

We arrived in Ecuador July 3 after spending our last frontier South American, with a little emotion anyway ... This boundary, located in the heart a lively market, is proving quite "folk . A bridge, which do not stop moving goods of all kinds, marks the separation between Peru and Ecuador. We spent 3 hours in this stirring, amusing finally time to solve all the papers ...

The Ecuador is a tiny country, the second smallest country in South America after the Uruguay . As Peru, it is divided into three regions: the coast and ocean , the Sierra with mountains and Oriente (the Amazon). As the country is small, we move easily and quickly from one region to another, a small concentration of South America.

So we come by the odds, it is 35 degrees, bright sunshine and our first kilometers in this country are in the midst of vast plantations ( Ecuador is the largest exporter of bananas in the world) ... and 150 km, it joined Cuenca and its 2500 meters, the third largest city. Pretty town famous for its straw hats, the Panamas ... We walk in the cobbled streets of colonial buildings in the middle. Pretty town but we like the daily rain a little less ...

From there we took the road via a Pan American pitieux in state ... Banos direction. Nice little stop to Alausi where we discover with pleasure the Saturday market and the specialty Ecuador: grilled guinea pigs ... yum! Lively and colorful. Then on a lonely road ... we meet another french camper. Flashing light and very nice little picnic with this other family. Them, they go for 4 years around the world, yet another adventure! ( http://www.poraquiporalla.com/ )

Arrive Banos under torrential rain, rain no longer seems to want to leave. We were hoping that the SUN for the end of our journey ... Banos is more than 1800 meters and the vegetation has changed, we come closer to the Amazon . So we are steering Puyo, a small town in the Amazon. The 60 kilometers from Banos to Puyo are on a beautiful road, the road of "cascades".

We organize a short tour to discover the Amazon ... Finally with the camper, we can do things!
We are thus left on a track (this time it's really the last one) that goes on over (recall: the tracks are really going to 10kms/heure, bicycles are beyond us) and leads us into the Amazon forest ... Short walk and swim in a beautiful natural pool with waterfall ... Our last night in a wild environment is rocked by the sounds of the forest ... almost louder than our bivouacs in Brazilian gas stations in the middle of the truck ...

Having failed to see the animals, then we go into a very nice game reserve where Antoine having so much fun to touch all the animals ... and where the incident occurs. Too pressed to squeeze the dough to a large tapir, I slip on of the earth, but wanting to save the camera I collapse face first on a small mound of earth. In short if you do not understand everything, according to witnesses the fall was funny and quiet. By cons I now have a new smile with my 2 front teeth broken, and I finally understood the term "speechless" when he saw the head of our guide when I found ...

Monday, June 30, 2008

Lorna Morgan Weight Gain 2010

E-banking in Belgium: efficient service but ... now on your

monitoring ebanking According to a study InternetVista, a company specializing in application monitoring Internet sites of Belgian e-banking have an excellent level of reliability for the consumer. However, banks should further improve their communication with users when a failure occurs.

Today, e-banking is entered in the daily lives of millions of Belgians who have left the window agency for the benefit of their computer screen to do their banking. But how reliable is these new services that the customer should ideally be able to see 24 hours 24?

To find out, InternetVista monitored during one month (from May 5 to June 5) applications of e-banking offered by fifteen Belgian banks to their customers. Every minute, a robot has visited each of the sites audited to check their availability and to detect possible failures or malfunctions.

Good performance, poor communication - conclusion: the best result was recorded at Fortis including e-banking displays an availability rate of 100%. Behind You can find particular Rabobank Keytrade, ING, Binck Bank, Delta Lloyd, Argenta and Deutsche Bank with a rate of 99.9%. On the other hand, has noticed some weaknesses InternetVista Axa (5 hours of downtime combined), the Banque de la Poste (3:00), Credit Agricole and Dexia (2 hours each) during the study period.
"Despite some shortcomings sometimes, applications of e-banking as we watched show overall good performance," said Cédric Braem, Managing Director of InternetVista. However, we found that the Belgian banks would greatly improve communication in case of failure: the user encountered a frustrating error message like "Error 503" or "internal server error" that only insiders can interpret. In this regard, the KBC is the only bank that takes special care by providing an error message understood by any client. "

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Yugioh Remove From Play Monarch Deck

De Nazca to Ecuador, the northern coast of Peru, from 18 to 1 July 2008

After our long stay in Cuzco, we took the road to join the Ecuador through northern Peru ... We'll leave the altiplano, after 3 months more of 3500 meters on average, to find the sea (or rather the Pacific Ocean) ...

A very long road that never ceases to rotate in any direction takes us to Nazca ... The steep descent (going from 4500 to 500 meters in 30 km) on the city allows us to admire the vegetation change, we now until Ecuador ride on the Pan American , which runs along one side completely deserted ...

Nazca is famous for its famous lines in the desert, lines and drawings of animals: some worship site illuminated alien. Nobody knows what they really mean and who exactly they were drawn ... What is certain is that they are visible only from heaven. So off I go, all alone, Alex refused to turn the cause of vertigo ... and I would probably do the same. This little escapade air in a 6-seater plane was really horrible to my heart (and my stomach), the " On the Right" and "On The Left " driver still echo in my head ...

We take a break to Ica, an oasis in the desert, then we arrive at the Paracas reserve. The scenery is beautiful and very different from what we had seen so far , large expanses of sand in shades of ocher, yellow, red. Luckily it's nice here because it is winter and during this period, the entire Peruvian coast is invaded by a pervasive mist ... We take this opportunity so we get stuck on one track (one last time hopefully). Again a huge 4 x 4 will come to our rescue ...!

Then head Lima, 300 km of coast, 300 km from mist and a little sad landscapes, the wilderness is overrun by garbage and fog ... We quickly found estacionamento one in the district of Miraflores , the chic of ville.On stay there 4 days, 4 days back on consumption, ultra-modern stores and international retailers. We now understand where are the few treasures of Peru. Miraflores is almost indecently rich oasis surrounded by neighborhoods and cities really very poor. What is most striking in Peru, is this abscence middle class or very (very) rich, or very (very) poor. The city, meanwhile, we were not markedly more than that ... especially with the fog and rain ...

We continue our climb to the friendly city of Trujillo . Colonial city located next to a beautiful site, Chan-Chan , capital of the Chimu civilization , and formerly largest city in the Adobe world, with over 60,000 inhabitants. The problem with clay is that after a few rains, the house collapsed. With El Nino and earthquake, there is not much ... so do as it says in the guide, you have to imagine ... but good fun as a visit even when it is necessary to imagine a destroyed city!

At the extreme northern Peru Finally we find the sun beside Mancora for our last camp overlooking the sea

Tomorrow we enter into Ecuador ... sniff our last border crossing ...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Does Anyone Have A Sean Cody Account I Can Use

Cuzco, Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu .... (from June 6 to 17) from Cuzco

After nearly 10 months in South America ... Cuzco is, for us, the last major step in our journey before joining Ecuador. We elect

home for ten days at Quinta Lala camping, campsite well known European truck operators, in the hills of Cuzco. For the first time of travel we are entitled to a lawn, in normal times, it's more earth and dust. There are even chickens, ducks, a dog who becomes the best friend of Anthony and sometimes a herd of grazing llama coming here ... And there
and even those pesky Basques and Armelle Francis with whom we pass still good moments, surely the last sets (well, we hope to see you again for the 17th time since early in Ecuador!).
We leave Cuzco a week before the Inta Rami, the feast of Cuzco and the sun, the city is already very busy, we are witnessing daily parades colorful songs and dances ... a shame there not Attend and damage can not happen any more time with a large family of French fighters (3 children) as a camper arriving just, just a very nice little party ...

Cuzco is one of the most beautiful cities in South America. It was the largest city of the Inca empire, the "navel of the world " in Quechua (the language of the Incas, still spoken today), it has a beautiful Plaza de Armas, narrow streets paved , colonial buildings built on Inca foundations, a nice hill and its neighborhood San Blas by cons ... we sometimes forget that we are at over 3000 meters, the day he is easily 25 degrees in the sun but at night it freezes.

From Cuzco, we join the s Sacred Valley, the Valley of the Urubamba . We visit the impressive ruins of Pisac , Inca fortress perched atop a hill known for its magnificent terrace cultivation. Antoine has good idea to take a long nap and we comb to turn the citadel that protected the valley.

We reach then the beautiful Ollantaytambo also dominated by an imposing fortress, where the Inca Planning was well preserved despite the work of forgetting undertaken by the English. The Incas were masters in the art of stone cutting and the majority of the houses are still Inca foundations.

From here we take the train the next day to join Agua Calientes and Machu Pichu . The road does not actually further down the valley. To the delight of Perurail which sold out most of the year despite high prices, even if it is true that the site is not very accessible.
to arrive early and try to avoid as much as tourists, the alarm goes off at 4:30 (if) ... a little hard for Anthony, but he follows with a smile, the more tired they are finally mom and dad who were kind of struggling to keep pace with games in the middle of ... sleepy tourists

The Machu Picchu was already so having heard the name and photo, we always wondered before leaving if you do a v not be a little disappointed ...
Especially that part in the rain and it's been a long time we have not seen a raindrop, it must rain that day, (there I am a bit upset it's true). We arrive at 8 o'clock in the morning, so as strings of water and mist well with a present ... and our first glimpse of the temple is still a very striking,
Already the bus ride, which mark a trail that winds through the mountain, makes us understand the uniqueness of this site truly accessible. Inaccessible and really (really) beautiful. Photogenic and vertical. In addition
luck catching up with us, the sun suddenly appeared ... the play of light and clouds that come back and add to the magic of the place. The vision of this temple too mystical for that mythical Inca for tourists will remain a highlight of the trip. The site is in a beautiful natural landscape. Each side, cliffs, mountains peaks, the site is really down.

short, to late discovery (1911), the lack of knowledge that researchers have the temple and its true meaning for Incas, the reason for its abandonment and its incredible beauty, many reasons combine to make this site unique. We really liked.
Many travelers are disappointed and consider it too expensive and too touristy ... certainly a European tariff, but located in a very remote area and finally no more expensive than a concert ticket. And, rising a little earlier, we were rather surprised not to see more people.
And then we will not give lessons, between Versailles, Mont Saint Michel and the Eiffel Tower ... not a bad walkabout.