Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pocket Camcorder With Low Light

go again!

That's it, we arrived in France , our " parenthesis South American" is now complete ... But certainly, we will return one day ...

The journey was long, 3 planes, 24-hour journey, 138 kg of luggage (!) And here we are St. Hilaire to where we will spend a week with Alex's parents.

"Our" camper (it will always be OUR little camper!), Meanwhile, piles up again for a ride with a very nice family Caroline, Stephen Manon, Romane and Thomas . .. After five days spent together, here they are ready to hit the road. Alex, who is now 11 months into a real mechanic, knows is happy to explain to Steph the "basics" of the camper ...

Here, the Citroen has new owners, but he already is going to experience a bit since the path this family will leave the Ecuador for Peru, Bolivia the the Chile and Argentina ... And back to square one in January where he will take the boat to Buenos Aires !

As for us, he said goodbye to with great excitement, as Alex would say " he never gave us " after almost 40 000 kilometers of roads and trails in South America, and allowed us to live a wonderful adventure, filled full to see beautiful things and make a lot of pretty games.

short, it makes us want to repeat one day ...


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