Thursday, February 14, 2008

Remove Semen Stains From Chair

Discount Trophy students

On 8 February, at the inauguration of the "Forum of higher education and continuous training" Laval 2008, we had the honor of receiving the trophy from 2008 students. This award was given to us by Mr d'Aubert, Mayor of Laval Laval and President of Community. This trophy is a very symbolic for us because it represents recognition of our project by local governments as the town of Laval and the Conseil Général de la Mayenne.

The contest was organized by The Student Group in partnership with Crédit Agricole Anjou and Maine, the Conseil Général de la Mayenne Community and Laval.

We thank all members of the organization.

Award Ceremony followed by Mr D'Aubert of discourses Mathieu Gilot, president of Flying West and Deputy Project Manager Demoiselle.


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