Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Running Shoes Diagram

The boom in e-commerce

still shunned by consumers several years ago, the area of procurement Online is currently under development. Indeed, with the spread of the Internet and e-commerce sites, more and more consumers are tempted to take the plunge and buy online.

The reason for this popularity is definitely increasing the level of security during online payments. Previously, the fear of receiving a wrong item, not not be delivered, mistrust vis-à-vis the timeliness of delivery, after sales services, fear of hacking credit card numbers generally blocked buyers. This increase in security, coupled with mouth-to-positive word satisfied buyers, was correct in most of these fears.

In 10 years, this sector has reached a market of 10 billion euros of sales turnover. Anything between 2005 and 2006, there was an increase of 55% of the sector. Today a visitor would be buyer in two, France had 10,000 e-merchants and Germany 40,000. The e site most inescapable of Internet sales is the famous auction site Ebay upon which millions of euros every move days. Despite this development, e-commerce represents only 3% of purchases in France, which proves that the margin of increase is still substantial.

To ensure the availability of their online sales platform for their customers, business e-commerce must ensure the presence of it on the canvas. For this and to avoid unpleasant surprises, they are advised to subscribe to a monitoring service for defendants in a care and repair it quickly.

Many companies already rely on our monitoring service InternetVista you, too, feel free to test it at the following address: register.htm .


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