Saturday, February 24, 2007

Do You Get Migraines After Movies

Dangers of a Web site?

Did you know that having a website was dangerous?

You've invested time and money to create a site that you are proud. He will represent your business online and allow you to more easily communicate with your customers through your newsletters ...

Your site is now ready to be posted! Alas, in so doing, you are exposed to many risks: Your site could be hacked , unavailable , too slow, undergo error your host, an error update or whatnot.

We proved that website is facing high risk of failure despite a successful system. We also note the unavailability monthly ranging from 1 to more than 20% when we test new websites. Today

even former pirates are pirating .

In addition to the importance of having your website online 100% of the time is another vital aspect of your response time (speed at which your site appears).

If your audience is global, you need to ensure optimal response time throughout the world and can test your results here:

It is sometimes interesting compare the results of an internal page of your site's home page or test a page. html from a page . php


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