Tuesday, November 21, 2006

What Do The Ontario Red License Plates Mean

14 things to monitor on your site!

According Fevad (Federation of Enterprises in distance sales) to below 10 billion euros of sales Internet business should be completed before the end of 2006.

sites, e-commerce saw a rise of 43% during the first half. It is clear that an Internet presence is vital: whether to strengthen its image, sell more or promote its services ...

And yet these figures are certainly better by improving the quality of websites. In fact, attract more visitors to its site is not always enough.

A site with low traffic can be more efficient (in terms of sales, qualified leads, etc..) A high-traffic site. In addition, the creation of a website is just the beginning, then you will need to update it, analyze its statistics (logs), check availability of your website online and functioning of all your services ...

To analyze your site and to improve Results here are some tips:

I) Follow your visitors

Before all things, install a traffic analysis tool like Google Analytics or WebTrends to track the behavior of your visitors.

1. Set your goals first. It is vital to know how a user has performed before reaching a goal. This goal may be a purchase, contact, registration ... This allows you to measure the rate of conversion of your visitors. You can also link (link) these goals with each of the points below to obtain relevant information. Then here's the information that you can recover:

2. visits from your visitors. Analyze your statistics to determine when and why your number of visitors increases or decreases each day ... If you find that people seek you can improve it and attract more people.

3. Their origin (referrer). Know where your traffic is coming, you may find it comes from a particular site. If so you might want to add information relevant to them or propose a partnership site.

4. keywords used. Analyze the keywords that people up to find your site. The way people find you you will optimize your SEO or otherwise avoid certain words because they do not give you qualified leads.

5. The bounce rate. Check your "bounce rate" in entry: if your visitors do not exceed the first page you will find why sometimes a simple "contact us" can increase the number of contact.

6. The course of your visitors. If you want to go further analyze the path your visitors: it corresponds to journey you have planned? Which places do you lose more customers? If you find that your visitors do not follow the best path you may need to improve certain parts of your site.

II) Measure the performance and availability of your site online

is one thing to have visitors but you would not invest in a website for not getting all the results. To protect you from all risks (hacker, failures, delays, downtime, etc.). You should watch:

1. your homepage. It will be present at all times because it is the showcase of your business and therefore part of your communication.

2. Your external resources. You can monitor your external resources (database, application server, ...) by monitoring who accesses a page. This allows to test the proper operation of your resources if you have a website "dynamic" (as opposed to static).

3. Your email services. 72% of mail in business today goes by the email, it is useful to monitor your mail servers (pop and / or SMTP) to be sure I receive / send mail.

4. Your content. You can check for a key phrase in your page: it's one thing to have his site still online but if the content goes this means not having a website.

5. Your forms. Do they all work properly? The last thing you want is a loss of orders or registrations due to a form that does not work correctly.

6. Your purchase process. A procurement process too slow you will lose many customers. Be sure your performance procurement process by monitoring the entry page and page output.

7. Your download times. Although computers and the connections are becoming faster is not always the case for everyone. It is advisable to optimize your images for the web and analyzing the download time of your pages from multiple points of presence worldwide.

8. your server. All web hosts promise a web availability to 99% but is that really the case? Who checks their servers? You can test the quality of your accommodation through a monitoring "http / https" that will check the availability of your site on their server. Moreover, thanks to a good monitoring, you can analyze its response time from multiple points of presence in the world to provide global coverage.

And finally, for those who want to prove the quality of their site and web services, you can demonstrate your performance with a logo showing the percentage of availability of pages that you monitor. This mechanism is available from http://www.internetvista.com .

Want to test your site (and your Internet services) for free for 30 days? Sign here: http://www.internetvista.com/register.htm You have other advice to offer? Add them in comments, I'll add them in the article.


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